
I know, you are probably wondering why you are looking at the  calluses on my hand when the post is title progress.  But those ugly things do represent my progress.  I have been doing crossfit for over 6 months now and I am slowly but surely progressing. It sure isn't easy.  In fact, on the way home I nearly cried trying to drive because my hands felt so whiney after trying to get my knees to my elbows while dangling from the pull up bar.  For a break between reps of 12 I got to dead lift 8o lbs six times.  All of that for  four rounds for time.  I ended up under six minutes but boy I still feel it this afternoon.  My big woo for the day was I PR'd my max effort dead lift.  I managed 140#.  I can now dead lift body weight.  Oh yeah, oh yeah.  (Be glad you couldn't see the dance with that!) My dead lifts are my best.  I can only shoulder press 45.  But I will get there s-l-o-w-l-y.
But as I was saying this is about progress.  I think the best kind of progress is the clothes getting big.  My three week old swimsuit now could be smaller as could the body skimmer dress I bought in May which no longer skims anything.  I am going to shrink those.  Now if only the chest would get smaller instead of bigger.  I guess I should just be happy they are higher.  Guess you can't have every thing.  This is the last Friday shoulder presses. ..........
And this is today's Max Effort Deadlift........
So there you have it my shameless brag for the day!


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