More strawberries.

So for the second round of berry canning delight I went with Strawberry Lemonade concentrate.  I found the recipe on pinterest.  The recipe for this concoction is found here....
It is very yummy and I will be saving most of mine for New Years Eve when I will serve it mixed with chilled sparkling water.  Here is the catch, don't be like me.  I went to Target and bought a little hand operated one.  YOu know the kind, where it has a cone like thing and catcher.  For this you really need either an electric type one, one like they have at those lemon ade  places at the mall where you pull the handle and it smushes the lemon half or about a dozen minions.  I had one minion and he declared it to be an awful lot of work.  He was right.  It takes a lot of lemons to get to five cups.  But honestly the flavor of fresh lemons is worth it.  The little one is going to a friend of mine.  You have to really love somebody to juice that many lemons.  ;)


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