Why I haven't Blogged

Well really I meant to but........... life kind of hit me.  There is the wedding dress and wedding that need to be done.  And there was this ..............

Basically all April long. And by long I mean neverending long.  Like the fear of spring never coming again, long. First snows are awesome.  So is a white Christmas.  Even in to February I am willing to play along with the snow fall.  But ding dang it when April comes I do not wish to be preparing for what turns out to be 17 inches of snow overnight.  That is just wrong. And now just as terrible as it was two weeks later here we are at spring as in now I can see green grass.  Woo hoo!
Then, of course what is the never ending winter without the never ending house problems??? Burst pipes, anyone?  Don't feel sorry for me.  I spent plenty of time doing just that for myself.  But now I am a girl on a mission.
Drum roll, please ********** I get to fix up this house to move out to the country.  Yep, you read it right the snow no longer scares me and I am a more than a bit tired of city life.  I know I don't live in a big city but you wouldn't know from the things that go on around here.  Imagine if you will looking out your window to see your home surrounded by 12 squad cars with the officers carrying assault rifles.  Also, picture said officers telling you to stay inside with windows and doors locked and then staying that way for four hours.  Yep, I need no imagination for that one anymore.  So I am moving out of town.  I want a bit of acreage for stuff.  (Shh don't tell I want goats to join my chickens and maybe a mini dairy cow. Best to spring that after I have the farm, oops house with space.)
I have not backed down on the no bread resolution.  Ok, I cheated a smidge, I bought bagels today because we all feel so cruddy and wanted carbs but that is it.   I have done really well and my french bread is a hit.

I have made bagels which were awesome but have yet to try the tortillas.  I have put a new grinder on my pinterest wish list as it is way quieter.  I figure once I get one I will give mine to Mak to put in her hope chest. I have been canning meats like mad but I think I will put that in a different post.  Maybe even tonight.  :D


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